For recognition of the best student paper presented at the ANS Topical meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy (TOFE).
So others will understand that the Fusion Energy Division of the American Nuclear Society encourages student participation and recognizes the importance of work-force development.
Award is given to the best "student" paper presented at the TOFE meeting. A paper is considered a "student paper" if the first author is a student at the time of the deadline of abstract submission of the TOFE meeting.
Emphasis is on the technical contribution of the paper to fusion science and engineering.
Contribution to be measured as recognized by others in the field.
All "student papers" presented at the TOFE meeting are considered.
The FED Honors & Award Committee may choose to get help in reviewing the papers from experts such as members of TOFE technical program committee.
The technical contribution of paper is judged based on a) written manuscript, b) oral or poster presentation of the paper, c) interview with the student first author.
The recommended accomplishment is presented to Fusion Energy Division Executive Committee for approval.
An object of ornamental or useful type with intrinsic value.
A certificate designating the presentation of the award.